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Secrets of Good Health

Think positive and 50% of your health problems are gone. Jealousy, selfishness, negative thinking etc will disturb your mind. As soon as the mind is disturbed it affects your body and the body gets disturbed. If the body is disturbed diseases can enter the body easily and health problems start.

When you think positively the mind will be peaceful, there is a mental satisfaction, the mind is healthy and automatically the body is also in tune with mind. When mind is peaceful, body is healthy. It is difficult for diseases to attack the body.

Positive thinking goes a long way in ensuring good health.


Fasting is good. It cures many diseases.

Drink 2 to 3 glasses of water in the morning on empty stomach.
It is a costless way to be healthy and fit.

Eat less; live more (eat only twice a day)

Walking one hour at a stretch per day is an excellent exercise.

Anger harms you long before it harms the other person.


The nurse woke up the sleeping patient and said, “here, take your tablet” “What tablet sister?” asked the patient in a sleepy voice. “Your sleeping tablet” said the nurse brusquely.

On a certain occasion the mother superior of the Catholic Convent had non-stop hiccups. She went to see a doctor who examined her and thought deeply for a while even as the nun kept on letting out hiccups. Then suddenly the doctor said, “Mother, I think you are pregnant!” The nun was terribly upset. She stormed out of the doctor’s room all red in the face! “Why did you say that doctor, you know that she is a nun?” asked the nurse assisting the doctor. “Didn’t you see that her hiccups stopped instantly?” said the doctor.

The anxious patient asked, “Doctor, is my illness serious?” “Oh yes” said the doctor, “actually 9 out of 10 persons having this problem die. But you don’t have to worry. Nine of my patients have already died. So you are safe to live”.

Dr. Headstrong pursed his lips and asked the patient, “Whom did you see before coming to me?” “I saw Dr. Simple doctor” said the patient in a nervous voice. “Oh, that idiot, if you follow his advice you are sure to kick the bucket. Anyway, what did he tell you?” “He asked me to lose no time in seeing you, doctor” said the patient.


Fear of death prevents us from living a full life.



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