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Case Studies - Testimonials

Given below are some success stories of patients who received treatment from BENAM SEVA and regained their health and happiness.

In few cases names and address are not mentioned in order to protect the identity of the persons as desired by them.

A quotation is given below each case to make the reading interesting.


My wife Smt. Rajalaxmi aged 43years had menstrual problem with cystic glandular hyperplasia in the month of January 2000.On 17th January 2000. a DNC was performed and she was normal for a week or so but again she started bleeding causing anxious moments. The allopathic doctors advice her of removal of uterus which was against our will .but after taking some ayurvedic medicine though the period was irregular there was no excess bleeding. But this state 0f affair continued only for few days for two years and in the month of November 2002 the problem of excessive bleeding started she was again advised removal of uterus and as a temporary measure advice to have DNC.A date for DNC was also fix on 16 of November2002.But fortunately through a family friend we came to know the yeomen service being rendered by an organization called BENAM SEVA, which gave HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINE. We consulted the doctor in his clinic in building no.14KHB colony, Kengeri satellite town, Bangalore and in a period of about two week itself, we could see considerable progress in her health .after taking medicine her excessive bleeding has stopped and she had normal period for next three months. We are thankful to doctor for treatment given that too free of cost. Benam seva is rendering service to mankind without any expectation or benefit from patient, when we see only exploitation all around these days. I wish more and more peoples take benefit of the service of Benam Seva and improve their health and gain happiness.


The unforgiving spirit is one of the commonest psychological
factors giving rise to ill health.

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I am Sachin G. resident of 4th cross, Jai Bharath Nagar; Bangalore I want to share my real experience.

In last week of May 2003 after the ultra scanning I came to know that I was having 8mm stone, in my urinary tract. I got really depressed. One of my friend advice me to take homoeopathic medicine and he suggested BENAM SEVA. I started my medicine, the doctor told me not to worry, the stone will break in to pieces and will come out with urine, I was scared at that time to think how it will come out, I took Medicine regularly and followed the advice of doctor and went for ultra scanning after two months and found the stone had been passed with urine. I thanked doctor full heartedly who helped me in my hard days.


No religion is above humanity.

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Poor women from the slum visited us with her 15 years old daughter named Rajeshwari. The girl had a hole in the heart and looked very weak. Her mother could neither get her operated nor by the allopathic medicine required as both were very expensive.

The case was the first of its kind in our clinic. We wanted too try our medicine on her because we where confident that homoeopathic medicine does not have any side effect. We thought that should we fail in our efforts we would somehow help her too get operated.

The treatment started. After a month medication the young lady began to show steady improvement. Within three months she looked and felt quite normal. But like most people she too became irregular in taking medicine. We had to caution her that she must take her medicine regularly, otherwise her problem may recur. She followed our advice and got well. The costly heart operation was avoided and the young girl was given a new lease of life.



It is useless to offer bread to man who is
dying of thirst.

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Chris Galdor was a picture of health, living a happy life.

One fine morning Chris felt a sudden shooting pain in his stomach when he was at work. He was rushed to the emergency unit of city hospital. After first aid he felt better but the doctor advised a series of tests, including an ultrasound scan of abdomen region.

When the test report came, the doctor was surprised to find that Chris had kidney stones. There was a lot of discussion about the line of treatment to be followed and at last it was decided to go in for ‘Extra’ corporal shock wave Lithotripsy. (ESWL) This is the technical name for what is commonly known as blasting kidney stone without surgery. The treatment appeared successful .Chris felt he was on way of recovery and felt that life would be normal again.

Within short time, however, Chris started getting severe pain on and off. It was suspected that the kidney stone might have reappeared. Experts confirmed that such recurrence was possible. In fact some experts opined that ESWL treatment can damage the kidney and the remaining particles of blasted stone might have regrouped again to form fresh stones.

Once again it was a round of hospital and tests and diagnoses.

As things were looking hopeless Chris had an unexpected visitor from India. Mr. Sandeep Jain. Sandeep and Chris had worked on same team in Bangladesh some years back. As Sandeep heard Chris’s story, he had a sudden flash back. He said he knew BENAM SEVA in India they had cured many cases of kidney stones and other illnesses, which were given up as ‘gone’ cases, by other doctors.

Their treatment depends on the system of medicine known as homoeopathy. Chris was not much enamoured. He thought it was a far-fetched idea. Moreover he was not in mood to travel to India for the treatment. But Sandeep offered to get in touch with BENAM SEVA immediately and see whether the doctor would agree to treat Chris on a “long distance” basis.

Luckily Doctor agreed to treat Chris from India. Chris agreed reluctantly. Doctor got all the facts of the case and started the treatment. There were many calls from India to the US and vice versa. The treatment consisted of drugs which had the power of dissolving the stones and strengthening the urinary tract. Medicine was sent through courier. Chris was advised to take a lot of water and fluid. Within a short time the stones started coming out with the urine. Doctor asked Chris to filter the urine so that he could see the stones. Chris started feeling better and the glow on his face came back. Within a period of about one month Chris was back at his desk in his office. It was nothing short of miracle!


Do good and do not look back.

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Mr. K. was not able to walk for the past twenty years due to some kind of stiffness in his legs. When we saw him for the first time he could barely stand. He had consulted many doctors and taken a variety of drugs.

We asked Mr. K. to stop all other medicine and take only our treatment. After three months there was some improvement but not to our satisfaction. Some of the drugs that were required for the treatment were not available in India. Our friends from London readily agreed to send these items we got them in a short time.

Unfortunately Mr. K. did not turn up again in spite of the improvement he had. Probably he expected an instant cure for his ailment. Patience is the essence in Homoeopathy treatment. Homoeopathy may be slow but it is certain and the results are lasting.


Nothing is more powerful than knowledge;
A knowledgeable man is unconquerable.

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A lady had severe pain in her legs. An allopathic doctor gave her an injection. There was a sudden and sharp reaction. Her lips were pulled to one side of the face. The doctor promptly asked to go to another physician. The terrified lady approached us at Benam Seva instead. After listening to her case history we gave her our homoeopathic medicine. Within a week there were significant improvement in her condition. She made steady progress and was completely cured of both her ailments … the pain in the legs and the side effects of the injection!


Health is not valued till sickness comes.

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Mrs. Jaya S. Rao in her early fifties came to Benam Seva with a peculiar problem. She had diabetes and was on medication. During our discussion we came to know that she developed the problem soon after the death of her husband years ago. We were convinced that severe stress was the root cause of her ailment. So we first treated her to relieve her of mental stress. After month’s treatment she was completely cured and continues to be free from diabetes.

Mrs. Jaya S. Rao


A candle does not lose anything by lighting another candle.

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Mr. Laxmansa D G. felt sudden chest pain and was rushed to the hospital. The doctors told him that he had a heart attack and that a bypass surgery would be needed. He was reluctant to go through the bypass and so he visited BENAM SEVA He is now being taken care of by Benam Seva for the last three years. He is progressing well the bypass surgery has been avoided.

Mr Laxman Bangalore.


Fear kills more than disease.

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A rich lady was suffering from the problems of menopause. She had taken treatment for long time but without any effect somehow she heard of Benam Seva and came to us. She looked very weak. When we gave her the medicine she was a bit doubtful as our medicine and the packing is very simple and without any glamour. She asked a number of questions but when we answered all her queries patiently and assured her that homoeopathic drugs are absolutely safe she got convinced and learnt many things about the course of the treatment. She began to take the course carefully and within fifteen days called on us and told us that she was feeling much better. Within two months she was completely cured.

Today this lady and her family become a part and parcel of Benam Seva rendering help in many ways.


Anger is one letter short of Danger.

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A gentleman approached us with a peculiar problem. His wife Mrs. Kamala was bed ridden for the past fifteen years. She could not walk. They had tried all the available types of treatment – allopathic, ayurvedic, unani and even homoeopathic. In total despair he approached us and pleaded to somehow relieve her of her suffering. We assured him of our most sincere efforts and ourselves went to their house, as it was not possible to bring the patient to our clinic. We started a line of treatment and asked her family members to visit us regularly with feedback about the progress of the lady’s health. Some diet restrictions also were prescribed. In about three month’s time some improvement could be noticed. Within six months the lady was able to walk a little bit – within the house. One fine day we had a big surprise! She herself came to the clinic. It was indeed a great achievement for us to have helped a person who was bedridden for fifteen long years! Though not fully normal, her life has become much improved. She is now able to manage all the household work on her own. Her treatment however, continues with a bid to make her 100% normal.

Mrs. Kamala Age: 51 years


Being charitable is far superior to giving charity.

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A young lady, about 23 years of age, came to our clinic. She was suffering from severe weakness and vitamin deficiency. She was advised by her allopathic doctor that she should take vitamin injections every week, through out her life. Her parents were deeply worried because the young lady was yet to be got married.

At the time of her visit to our clinic the girl had been taking weekly vitamin injections for one year. We started our Homoeopathic treatment for her and within three months, the girl was completely cured and there was no more need of injections or any other treatment.

This case proves the Homoeopathy is far superior to any other system of treatment.

He gives twice who gives quickly.

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MR. Subbanna came to us with a peculiar problem of infection in both the arms with pus oozing out of his armpits. He had undergone surgery twenty years back and had found some temporary relief. But the problem had relapsed within a short period. This was an unusual case for us and a challenge. We explained to him that the allopathic medicine he was taking was only suppressing the pus and was preventing a permanent cure. We assured him of lasting cure and he started taking our medicine. The pus continued to ooze out of his armpits for nearly six months in spite of the treatment but one fine day the pus stopped completely from one of the armpits. From the other armpit the flow continued but greatly reduced. Hopefully he should get completely cured over the next few weeks.

Mr. Subbanna


Honest people alter their ideas to fit the truth and
dishonest people alter the truth to fit their ideas.

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Mrs. Indira K.S. came to us with a complaint of severe pain and burning sensation while passing urine. She had consulted several doctors and tried different kinds of medicine. But the problem had persisted over fifteen years. This was another challenging case for us. We told her that her problem was a chronic one and that she should visit us regularly. She readily agreed as she had lost all hope of cure from other sources. The treatment started but for nearly two months there was not much improvement. But after that we could see signs of improvement. She was completely cured within a period of seven months.

Mrs. Indira K.S.


That man is the richest whose pleasures
are the cheapest.

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Mr. Brahmadev came to us and told us that he had suddenly started losing hair. He was under treatment in one of Bangalore’s biggest hospitals. But his problem went from bad to worse. Hair from eyebrows and moustaches also started falling. Somehow he heard about BENAM SEVA clinic and came to us though he was doubtful whether he would get a cure at all. Our job of course was to put our best foot forward and try our best. Our first step was to give him an antidote to neutralize the ill effects of the allopathic medicine he was taking till then. Then we started out regular treatment for the problem. But for nearly two months there was no sign of any improvement. This caused the patient and ourselves a great deal of concern. As we were wondering how to have a break through. The man told us casually that he was in habit of dying his hair and that the hair loss had started after that. We thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel. We requested him to show us the dye and when he brought the stuff we used the same dye and prepared an antidote from the same dye. The patient took the medicine regularly and within one month the hair loss stopped and new hair started growing. Today this person is a normal happy person.

Mr. Brahmadev


Great minds have purposes others have wishes.

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When a couple called on us with a mentally retarded child we were particularly interested in handling the cases because our own child had suffered from the same problem.

The parents were very worried about the child. She was very ill tempered. Even if she was asked to help in household work she would get upset and irritated. She was under allopathic drugs. These drugs when given would calm her down temporarily. But continuous treatment with such medicine had made the child very dull and lifeless. Moreover, the medicine was very costly. We advised the parents to stop the allopathic drugs completely. The girl was given our medicine and within one month she became active. Her anger had vanished and she no longer appeared to be burden to her parents.

The child is not yet cured fully but she continues to take the medicine regularly and we hope she will definitely improve more day-by-day.

Note: Many retarded children are brought to us by their parents but most of them expect quick results. This is not possible. The improvement is gradual and one must have abundant patience. The long wait is sure to be rewarded with good results.


Anger harms you long before it harms the other person.

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Mrs. Sulochana Bai called on us to complain of a persistent headache. We soon started treatment and within a short time she started showing improvement. But she had a special problem. The moment she felt better she would stop medicine and naturally, the problem would recur. We then warned her and told her that the medicine should be taken regularly as prescribed by the doctor. Luckily she took the warning seriously and now she is free from her headache.

Mrs. Sulochana Bai


Fear of death prevents us from living a full life.

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(A case of my own wife)

A few months ago my wife Jayshree complained of back pain. She was given some medicine but did not provide relief. She was taken for a scan, which revealed a bulky uterus with fibroids measuring 9*6 cm. the uterus measured 15 * 10 cm. after two months of appropriate treatment a second scan was done which showed that the size of both the uterus and the fibroid had been reduced. The treatment was continued and after another three months a third scan was done. This time the bulk was reduced by little over 50%. Mr. Benam and his wife are now greatly relieved and have every hope that soon the problem will be completely solved.

Mrs. Jayashree R.C. W/o. Benam


Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases
your own health and happiness.

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As we know psoriasis is a disease of the skin in which the skin of the body thickens and does not heal easily. Sometimes we do come across people having the disease and we wonder what it is. Mr. Prakash who was suffering from this disease had tried all sorts of medicine – allopathic, ayurvedic, homoeopathic and even the Tibetan system of medicine. But there was no relief at all.

He came to Benam Seva and we treated his case as a challenge and cured him. Today Mr. Prakash has joined Benam Seva and has become a part and parcel of the seva Activities.

Mr. Prakash Bhoopalam


No Name - No Fame - Just Seva

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Our son Tharun was not good at school. Benam Seva provided the treatment and the medication has shown spectacular results. Tharun is doing very well in school and gets first rank in his class. He has developed self-confidence and highly improved memory power. The brain balance treatment is being continued.

We would like to recommend this to all parents for their children.

Mr. & Mrs. Mohandas’, Parents of Tharun


To wish to be well is a part of becoming well.

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